Martial Arts Marketing Part III: The Power of Email

Email marketing is one of the most cost effective ways of marketing online. If there was one change you could make to your martial arts business to increase its success it would be this: Start collecting email addresses.

Email allows you to develop a relationship with potential students so that they can get to know you and your school. It also allows you to communicate with your existing students which helps with retention.

To undertand the power of email, picture someone who is looking for a new Karate school to join. The potential student searches online, visiting the local Karate school sites in their neighborhood. Chance are that they will not decide then and their which school they want to join.

When they visit your site they see that there is a free report that they can download a “Beginners Guide to Karate” short report. Inside they will learn everything they need to know about the history of your style of Karate, the different katas, how you train your students , uniform and equipment they will need and how the martial art can be used in real life.

Of course the student in this information gathering phase, wants this report and so is happy to provide them you with their address. Now something important has taken place. Unlike any of the other local schools in your area, you have your potential students contact details, so you will be able to follow up with them.

For the next few every 2 – 3 days your prospective student will receive a follow up email. This will provide them with more useful information about your style of Karate. You can also include information about you, your school and what is happening right now. You can also include an invitation to a demonstration class that you run once a month on Saturday morning, where they can try the martial art outside of the formal

structure of the class.

There is a very good chance that if you do this that you will be able to convert that prospective student into a sign up to

your class. Simply by emailing them you will stay top of mind and stand out from your competition. Students are far more likely to choose a school that they feel that they already know something about.


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